Apr 15, 2015 | dental, dental implant, dentistry, nu image, oral surgeon
Dental Implants must be treated like natural teeth. They must be cared for (brushed, flossed, and regular dental visits). They are not indestructible and you must understand that the patient needs to put in as much effort as the dentist/surgeon does. If you have any...
Oct 28, 2014 | dental, dental implant, dentistry, hygiene, nu image, oral surgeon
From Dentistry Today. Hopefully this will make an impact on their oral health in the future. http://dentistrytoday.com/todays-dental-news/10705-some-countries-start-to-place-greater-value-on-oral-health
Sep 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
An interesting story about a hockey player who was unrecognizable when he had...
Jun 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
Dr. Kevin Neshat, I just wanted to let you know how much I had appreciated the way I was treated by your staff at both your offices & yourself. As you know you did the surgery in May and I had no pain whatsoever. I had prescriptions for both pain & nausea but...
Apr 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
The doctors and staff at Nu Image Surgical and Dental Implant Center would like to remind you to remember your facial and head protection when suiting up for contact sports. http://www.aaoms.org/media/april-is-national-facial-protection-month/