Jun 19, 2013 | Uncategorized
There may be an alternative for people suffering from missing teeth and/or wearing dentures. Dental implants can replace missing teeth and can help to stabilize a denture. It is a restoration that supports an artificial tooth and is most similar to having a natural...
Apr 14, 2012 | dental, dentistry, nu image
An unhealthy diet has been associated with about a third of all oral cancers. It’s also been well established that alcohol is a major risk factor in oral cancer, too. Now researchers have found that women who have high intakes of alcohol and low levels of B-vitamin...
Feb 11, 2011 | dental, dentistry, nu image
Zinc-containing Denture Adhesives in the News ABC’s Good Morning America aired a segment on Feb. 9 about zinc-containing denture cream http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/did-doctor-delay-denture-cream-research-12874317. Some previous reports in the scientific literature...