Mini Dental Implants
A Little Can Go A Long Way
About Mini
Dental Implants
Mini Dental Implants have been around for quite some time, but not until recently have they received FDA approval and data.
As in many aspects of medicine and technology, the art of miniaturization can offer a host of new and exciting advantages. This is especially true for denture wearers, who are often plagued with a multitude of problems.
Mini Dental Implants are dental implants scaled down to a smaller dimension with a modified self threading pilot tip. This process offers significant benefits as you no longer have to deal with multiple surgeries and extended healing periods. The mini implants are simply threaded into position and immediately held tightly in place. The procedure can be accomplished in one session and your existing prosthesis (denture) can easily be retrofitted for the system. Thanks to mini dental implant technology, in addition to a pleasant, natural looking smile, you will be able to wear dentures that are solid, secure, stable and functional.