The question we’ve all asked. “Where can I get cheap dental implants”? Well if you want cheap, go to the hardware store and just get some wood screws. When it comes to your health, why would you want to cheap out?
See, in some ways, a dental implant (or other health procedures) is like a car, in a way. If you buy a cheap car, then don’t expect it to last or even be up to your standards. Yes, we’ve heard of some lucky folks who have had cheap cars last a long time, but you don’t see that every day. Also, in 20 years, where will your car be? I can tell you that in 20 years your dental implants will still be in your mouth.
So yes, there are cheap dental implants available but it might take time and lot of your effort to get them. Some dental schools offer teeth implants at a lower cost per tooth implant including the crown which is much cheaper than what a dentist in your area may charge. A lot of places do place dental implants for $2000-3000 dollars per implant (not counting the additional costs or placement of crown).
Another option to get help with dental implant costs is through dental insurance. You need to look at dental insurance as a type of “maintenance policy”. It’s used for general cleaning and maintenance/repair of your mouth 2-3 times a year. A lot of insurance companies do not cover dental implants. If they do, then it’s at most $1500-2000. That may sound good, but if you use up your insurance for an implant procedure, then that’s it for the dentist for the remainder of the year (unless you want to pay out of pocket). Not only that, but most procedures can get pretty costly. Before treatment, check with your dental insurance company about coverage.
Sometimes cheap can get really costly! Badly placed implants, dentists lacking experience and expertise can screw up dental implants so bad that they can leave you in pain, a lost tooth and a host of other gum and jaw problems. To fix a cheap dental implant you might have to spend a lot more money or live in pain for the rest of your life.
You need to do sufficient research and have satisfied yourself with the experience, expertise, and competency of the dental implant to really make a decision. Surgeons/Dentists charge what they do for a reason. Some use the best dental implant companies, while others use cheaper dental implant companies.
There are fabulous dental implants resources that include information about dental implant procedure, tooth implant treatment options, types of teeth implants, bone grafts, types of bone grafts for implants. Check out for all dental implant information needs.
Look at it this way, getting dental implants is an investment. Not a waste of money.
There are ways to get help for dental implants and other health procedures. Financing is available for people who qualify. Chase health and CareCredit are two options we use.